Monday - Thursday 10:00am - 6:00pm. Friday 10am - 3pm

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED


126 Carleton Ave.

Islip Terrace, NY

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Medical and Deep Tissue Massage, Long Island NY

Welcome to a world of greater pain relief! Massage For Life understands that pain and tension can start to erode your quality of life. Our therapists will learn about your specific issue and offer an individualized treatment plan with the best possible outcome in mind.

We offer medical massage and deep tissue massage with the goal of pain relief and the reduction of physical tension. Our approach is to get to the root of your pain and to alleviate it. We offer a wide range of modalities that are tailored to your specific needs.

Get a medical or deep tissue massage now and get back to living your best life!

Massage Services

Medical Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
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    Medical Massage

    Medical Massage is a goal oriented treatment of soft tissue that can aid in reducing pain and tension. Walk in with a prescription, walk out feeling better!

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    Deep Tissue Massage

    Deep tissue massage generally focuses on the entire body and does not require a prescription.


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If you have NYSHIP, you are covered for Medical Massage